RentakaBiz Services

CIDB & ISO Services, Real Estate, Offshore Account & Logistics

Our Service is Unmatched

CIDB Services, ISO Audit, Real Estate, Financial & Logistics

Renew CIDB Green Card 1

New CIDB Green Card Registration

CIDB Green Card Renewal

Card Replacement

Kontraktor CIDB

● New Register of Contractor Licenses

● Contractor License Renewal

● Contractor License Update

Servis Penghantaran

● Vehicle Delivery to Sabah Sarawak

● Delivery of Goods

● Delivery of Heavy Machinery

ISO Standards Logo Square

Pre-Audit Assessment

Audit Report

Training & Consultation

Perunding Hartanah Perumbahan Transparent

● Land Joint Venture with Developer

● Real Estate Trading Platform

● Land Trading Platform

Off Shore Bank 1

● Digital Bank

● Credit Token License

● Money Broking License

Call us now: +60 17-349 0959

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